Lisa Caldognetto
April 16, 2022

1.    What has been your proudest career moment?

The moment I took the leap of faith in myself and go freelance. I left everything I knew of the corporate beauty world and knew I could carve my own way as a jobbing makeup artist and most importantly preserve my happiness and sanity.

2.    Who has been/is your biggest mentor?

Victoria, a manager from MAC who empowered me and nurtured my skill in makeup and customer services. She helped me see my skill and value them, as well a give me opportunities within the team to share and inspire creativity and knowledge.

3.    What’s the most valuable piece of advice you have ever received?

Blinkers on, stay in your lane. It’s so easy now more than ever to get sucked into social media streams, looking at what everyone else is doing and feel shit, or be hard on yourself. Learn to compare yourself to yourself. When things seem tough, that’s growth and the things you want can happen. 

4.    Which training body would you recommend for someone wanting to enter your area of the industry?

Becoming a makeup artist can learnt via many avenues from working with a brand at a beauty counter, which is what I did or to attend an accredited makeup academy. BECTU have some great resources to explore and research.  

A professional makeup artist is more than popping on some makeup. They are trained in proper hygiene practices, colour theory, fundamental makeup techniques to work on all skin types, skin tones, face shapes, ages and every other element. Alongside communication and story telling through makeup whilst working to a brief.

5.    How do you make sure you stand out from the crowd e.g. up-skilling, research, social media?

Know your craft, observe, learn from the beast and do your research. Collate references, these are so key to many jobs and the library of information you might need to access for creating a look on a job. Having this knowledge will help you excel and be the best you can. Knowledge is power and the learning never stops wherever you are in your career, whether its new products or trends. Say yes to things that scare you, Social media is a fab free tool to get your name our there, be an online portfolio, so think about the posts to attract the work and clients you want to get.

6.    If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting their own business, what would it be?

Don’t be afraid to outsource help from the get go, e.g an accountant especially if your anything like me and dyslexic- numbers aren’t my strong point. I use quickbooks to do my accounts/invoices, it makes it SO easy and quick. As soon as you get paid, put your tax money away as a priority. Trust me, your future self will thank you.

7.    What’s the best and hardest thing about your job?

The best thing is the people I meet. I have met the MOST amazing people and a such broad spectrum of them with every job. It feels like an honour meeting people from all walks of life and help them feel great once they leave your chair.  

I find it hard to switch off from being in “ work mode”,  creating beauty content work, networking, cleaning endless brushes etc. As a freelancer you of course work hard, but also know that what’s meant for you will not pass you by.  

8.    How do you switch off after a difficult day?

Feeding myself and drink water. Life on set can be mad meaning you do little of the former. It depends how hectic I am feeling, a bath or go for a swim if I can be bothered. Or get on the sofa with a cuppa, blanket and cuddle the cats, watch some tv. I’ve been rewatching black books recently, it’s so good.

9.    Desert island 3 course meal?

CRIPES this is a hard one to answer, like am I actually on a desert?!! As this will impact the choices.

Scallops with breadcrumbs, peas and prosciutto.

A fillet with garlic butter, polenta fries and some sautéed greens on the side.  

Lemon meringue pie.  

I’m really hungry and want to eat this NOW.  

10.  Which 5 people (dead or alive) would you have at your dinner party?

My Dad as I never really got to know him before he passed. Jonathon Van Ness, Patti Smith, Maya Angelou and Brene Brown.



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