Dija Ayodele
December 24, 2021

1.    What has been your proudest career moment?

Opening WestRoom Aesthetics in January 2020 in the midst of family upheaval, tight funds and under the shadow of a lurking disease which we now know as COVID!

2.    Who has been/is your biggest mentor?

Very unfair question because I have loads :-) but I learn a lot from Myleik Teele - a US based hair and beauty entrepreneur.

3.    What’s the most valuable piece of advice you have ever received?

Control the controllable, stay in your lane and play your position, respect those that came before you, use your voice - sorry did you say only one? Lol!

4.    Which training body would you recommend for someone wanting to enter your area of the industry?

CIBTAC baby!

5.    How do you make sure you stand out from the crowd e.g. up-skilling, research, social media?

I can do many things but I focus on my niche which is - elevating skincare for Black women. Using my voice to ensure we have access to the front and back end of the beauty business is very important to me.

6.    If you could give one piece of advice to someone starting their own business, what would it be?

Understand your data! You can’t make good decisions if you don’t understand what your data is telling you.

7.    What’s the best and hardest thing about your job?

Best thing - clients, people, seeing their confidence improve as they get more empowered about their skincare. Hardest thing - seeing consumers get taken for a ride by people who should know better but they’re in it for a quick buck. We have to pick up the pieces of these unfulfilled skincare dreams in clinic.

8.    How do you switch off after a difficult day?

Large G & T! Several! And a good gassing session to my husband.

9.    Desert island 3 course meal?

Oysters, tiger prawns and creme brûlée!

10.  Which 5 people (dead or alive) would you have at your dinner party?

Beyonce, Oprah, Maya Angelou, Michelle O, Hillary Clinton, Kim K, Victoria Beckham, MaryJ Blige, Riri ….clearly I’m planning a rave so I’ll stop here.



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